CJEI Intensive Study Programme graduates' comments

We are grateful to the following CJEI Intensive Study Programme graduates for granting us permission to reproduce their comments.

 "My participation in your recent programme in Halifax…was the best thing that has ever happened to me in terms of judicial education." –Mr. Justice Annel M. Silungwe, Director, Justice Training Centre, University of Namibia (November 1997)

"We intend to draft standards for Judicial Education in Malawi within the next three months…This shows that the training we underwent at Dalhousie Law School was practical and goal-oriented.The Malawi delegation greatly benefited from the programme…"
–Mr. Justice Duncan Tambala, High Court of Malawi (October 1995)

 "It was only when I returned to Malawi and began employing the various skills and techniques I had learnt in Halifax that the usefulness of the course became all the more obvious…I hope that many more persons will benefit from similar courses in the future" –R.R. Mzikamanda, Senior Deputy Registrar, High Court of Malawi (April 1996)

"I found this course a valuable and stimulating exercise. If the participants in their several countries are able to implement a significant portion of what they learnt then judicial education…will be able to proceed on a firm and solid footing."
–Mr. Justice Ian G. Farlam, South Africa (November 1995)

 After attending the CJEI Intensive Study Programme, "we now have the necessary tools for moving from planning to implementation [of judicial education]." –Cheryl A.P. Albury, Bahamas (June 1998)

"This course provided us with…much knowledge that we had never acquired before in providing judicial education." –Ayele Mamo, Ethiopia (June 1998)

 "…an exceptionally well-rounded educational exercise…I now know that I have a pool of divers[e] techniques and tools from which to draw a cost effective judicial education programme."
–Floreta Nicholas, Saint Lucia, West Indies (June 1998)

 "What I have learnt [in this course] is very important for improving judicial education in Tanzania."
–Mr. Justice Lameck Mfalila, Tanzania (June 1998)

"…the adult learning techniques and the breadth of knowledge gained here will…have a tremendously positive effect in improving judicial education in my jurisdiction." –Mr. Justice Adrian Saunders, St. Lucia, West Indies (June 1998) 

"The course will be very helpful on programming and planning judicial education in my country."
–Dr. Vitorino Niquisse, Mozambique (June 1998)

 "…very valuable and most rewarding…it will prove a turning point in judicial education [in the Gambia]."
–Mr. Justice Sanusi C. Yusuf, the Gambia (June 1998)

"…this course will certainly assist in providing a proper structure for a judicial education programme [in Trinidad & Tobago]."
–Deborah Thomas-Felix, Trinidad & Tobago (June 1998)

"It will…give me incentive to start a new Judicial Education [programme] in Vanuatu."
–Magistrate Rita Bill Naviti, Vanuatu (June 1998)

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